Discover great savings with the Spudshed app. Join our family to access exclusive member discounts on fresh produce, meat, and daily essentials. Stay up-to-date with our weekly catalogue and find your nearest store anytime, day or night.
Exclusive Specials: Get member-only discounts and exclusive specials on meat, fresh produce, and daily essentials. Simply scan your membership barcode at checkout to save as a family member.Weekly Catalogue: Be the first to view our weekly catalogue on the app and browse through all the special offers available.Nearest Store Locator: Locate the nearest Spudshed store for any unexpected 'Spuddy Run'. With most stores open 24hrs, you can enjoy great savings at any time of the day or night.
Rest assured, your data is secure with Spudshed's app as we prioritize the protection of your personal information.
Usage Scenarios
Experience the convenience and savings with the Spudshed app. Enjoy easy navigation, quick access to specials, and a user-friendly interface that makes your shopping experience seamless and rewarding.